Top 10 Endangered Animals by Alltime10s

What does it mean when a species is endangered? 

Why are some specifies' in danger and what causes this? Study a particular type of endangered species and investigate the reasons behind what causes them to be at risk.

Your Challenge:

Understand and explain what it means when a species is ‘endangered’. 

Why is it in danger? What is the main cause of endangered species? Answer these questions by studying a particular type of endangered species you have seen in the videos.

Follow this Process:

  1. Watch these youtube clips as a class:

    1. Protect Life on Earth

    2. Earth is Our Home—Let's Protect It | National Geographic

    3. Why should we bother saving species from extinction?

    4. Kiwis: Saving The World's Cutest Endangered Birds

  2. Brainstorm in groups of three and decide on one endangered species you picked up on from the video to further research. Make sure to check with your teacher that your chosen species mirrors the ones you have just seen.

  3. Go deeper in your group, use your understanding from the information in the videos to answer the these questions. Why is your chosen species in danger? What is the main cause of its endangerment? What could be other contributing factors?

  4. Summarise your ideas by creating a presentation (poster, slideshow, video) to the class that answers the three questions you have been asked. Also include, in your own words, what it means when a species is endangered.

  5. Present your findings to the class - consider how you might publish these so that you can share it via the internet in some way (eg. presentation, movie, podcast, etc.).

  6. Take action and decide how to raise awareness for the conservation of endangered animals. Who in your community could you show your presentation to if you can identify an endangered species in your area?

  7. Capture and share these outcomes using photo and/or video to inspire others. Share them on this site.

Educator Notes

To make this more challenging:

Watch the third video for older students or advanced learners for a mature perception of the severity and violence that threatens endangered species.

To make this more accessible:

  • Choose an endangered animal as a class and collectively brainstorm answers to the questions groups have to answer.
  • Create research questions for groups to work through.
  • Get each group to share their presentation back to the class or on this site.