UHC Admin — Jun 12, 2023

The Upper Hutt College Barbershop Quartet and the Singing Chorus competed in the Youth Singers in Harmony singing competition for the Wellington Region. Student Hupstein Eng runs us through the melodies.

Both groups saw great success. The Quartet came second place in the mixed category out of eight other quartets, qualifying them for nationals. The chorus also surpassed the point threshold to qualify for nationals.

The Barbershop Quartet, 'Upper Quartile' consists of Layla Martin-Smith as tenor, Olivia Trevean as lead, Hupstein Eng as bass, and Julia Montgomery as baritone. 

The group was formed just a week before the competition, and practised hard during lunchtimes and after school to prepare. We were overjoyed when our name was called out for second place. 

We were delighted with our results, especially since it was our first time competing. Of course, none of this would be possible without the guidance of our vocal tutor Emma Salzano and the newly appointed Head of Music Ofisa Taeao. 

The chorus and barbershop would like to thank both of them for their hard work and investment into reviving Upper Hutt College’s music sector. There is a clear improvement in musical performances and involvement this year, all thanks to Mr Taeao and our itinerant music tutors.

The Barbershop Quartet and Chorus are excited to compete next year, and keen to work towards placing in the top three. Our Chorus was the smallest there with only eleven members, just surpassing the minimum of nine. But for what we lacked in numbers we made up for in spirit, and did good enough to qualify.

The Chorus and Barbershop groups are open to any students wanting to join. If you're interested in joining a chorus or forming a quartet, speak to Mr Taeao or come to our practice sessions every Tuesday lunchtime.