Duke of Edinburgh Award students muck in
Silver Duke of Ed students spent the weekend of 10 and 11 December helping Upper Hutt Rotary with wood splitting as a thank you for their support of their October kayaking trip to the Marlborough Sounds.
They also wish to thank Packaging Products, Blundell and Mark Real Estate, Rachel Ayling and Prime Designs for their generous support in enabling the trip to go ahead.
The Rotary Club sell Pine at $500 for 4.7 cubic metres and Blue Gum at $600 for 4.7 cubic metres; the price includes delivery in the greater Upper Hutt/Lower Hutt area.
They do deliver further afield but then add on what it costs them in diesel. Funds are used to support the community. Orders can be made by emailing Phil Newborn thenewborns@live.co.uk