UHC Admin — Feb 17, 2021

As a school of 1100 students, teachers and support staff Upper Hutt College operates like a small town. The school appreciates the valuable support of the community in ensuring that students meet expectations and that everything runs smoothly for staff and students.


If your child is not going to be at school, either because of illness or for any other reason, please contact the school as early as possible. This can be done either by phoning the office on 04 527 8749, using the school texting/email system or using the UHC app (see below).

To send the text message, text to 3255, starting the message with, “uhcol” then a space, then the message you wish to send. You will automatically receive an acknowledgement.

To email, please send to: absences@upperhutt.school.nz

If your child is marked absent without explanation, you will receive an automated text/email with the message.

“……………… is absent from class. Please reply, Yes, and a reason for an explained absence, otherwise reply, No. Thanks”. You need to reply to this.

These texts are sent periodically during the day. (This may also happen after school has closed for the day, depending on when the rolls are processed).

If your child is away because of illness for 3 or more days, the school may require a medical certificate.

UHC App:

The app which is available for both Apple & Android is used to notify absences and access information about the college. 

KAMAR Portal:

The college website (www.upperhutt.school.nz) has a portal into our student management system, KAMAR.  Please click here to see slides of how to log in and what is available to see.

NB: Any change in contact details need to be notified to the school as soon as possible.


All students are expected in full and correct uniform. Information about the school uniform can be found on the school website UHC School uniform. If a student has uniform issues they need to contact their relevant dean with a note from home.  

Pastoral questions

If a parent/ caregiver has concerns or questions about the pastoral welfare of a student they should contact the student's Ako teacher in the first instance. All Ako teachers will have introduced themselves via email or phone.

School website

The UHC school website provides a host of information for students and their caregivers. This will link to the school website. Please note as part of the school website student achievement, reports and attendance can be accessed on the kamar portal. Ako teachers have log on details for these if they have been misplaced by students or caregivers.


Students are expected to be at school on time, and to arrive to each of their classes on time.

Any student who arrives at school late will need to follow the sign-in procedure at the front office.

On some occasions, students will need to report to a member of SLT or a Dean as indicated at the student office.

Students must sign in and present their period one teacher with a note provided.

There will be a consequence for students who are repeatedly late.