UHC Admin — Aug 27, 2021

Year 12 and 13 Textiles students had the pleasure of visiting fashion stylist Chloe Hill and receive feedback on some of their current masterpieces. Textile teacher Kerry Reddy tells us about the trip to Petone.

Chloe runs a blog called 'Chloe Chill', and has worked with publications such as Oyster, Instyle Australia and Cleo magazine.  She has been involved with fashion all over the world and has attended fashion weeks in Paris, Milan and New York. 

Chloe is passionate about sustainable fashion. "Working at a magazine early in my career made me realise there were ethical and environmental issues with the fashion I was styling.  The fashion industry is full of double standards and I've realised it's almost impossible to work in fashion without contradicting yourself. But I do think we should make an effort to push for change where we can".

Year 12 and 13 Textiles students are working on a Zero Waste Sustainable outfit to wear on a class trip at the end of the year. 

We visited Chloe to find out about Zero Waste, sustainable fashion. Chloe is also going to give us feedback on our outfits when they are complete and will hopefully come with us on our next trip. 

Our outfits must keep us warm for our trip to Wellington, include at least one Zero Waste garment (this is a garment made without creating any waste, eg, no scraps of fabric left from the cutting. 

Our outfits must appeal to our peers and we must want to wear each garment in our outfit at least 30 times before it is passed on to someone else or made into something else. 

We are not allowed to purchase any fabric for our outfit. All fabrics used must come from fabric already in the Textiles room. Chloe has been a wonderful starting place for this topic and gave us lots of ideas for our research. 

We look forward to connecting with her again and getting her feedback on our outfits. Chloe is Mrs Hamer's (Teacher in Charge of Foods) daughter.