UHC Admin — Dec 13, 2021

Business Development Manager at Komodo, Rachel Horsburgh, has volunteered some helpful tips to help keep people happy and unstressed over the holiday period. This is what she had to say.

Did you know that 62% of the population reports that Christmas holidays increase stress?

With Christmas upon us, our team at Komodo has put together our top tips to promote an enjoyable holiday season.

  1. Encourage students to stay connected in some way to friends and family even in a time where social distancing is the normal or restrictions are enforced.
  2. Take time away from technology. Unplug, turn off notifications, connect with your immediate surroundings.
  3. Losing routine and security of school during holidays can be anxiety provoking. For these students consider making action plans for engaging in regular activities to create structure and routine.
  4. Take time to connect with the outdoors. Vitamin D from direct sunlight supports sleep regulation and circadian rhythms.
  5. Lastly, be present in the moment. Most of the time our thoughts are in the past thinking about things that have happened or in the future thinking about what might happen or what we need to do. Being present in the moment is the only place our thoughts should be directed most of the time, especially on holiday! Take in the smells, the sights, the sounds, and the feelings this summer.

I hope these suggestions will help you and your students’ wellbeing over the holiday break.

Have a very Merry Christmas.