Hero photograph
Photo by Peter Blank

Lily Signs Out As BOT Rep

UHC Admin —

Year 11 student Lily Candy has represented the students at UHC on the school Board of Trustees. This is a large responsibility and opportunity to understand how a school operates. Lily has done a fantastic job and we thank her for her hard work and input. Here is her message to the school community.

Kia Ora,

My name is Lily Candy, a Year 11 student here at Upper Hutt College. I was fortunate to be the Student Representative on the Board Of Trustees over the 2020/21 period. My role is to represent the students' voice as well as to help, encourage,and influence the students. As a board we provide strategic leadership and direction to the school.

My goal was to help create and shape the best environment for all at Upper Hutt College.

Over my term as student representative I have achieved many things in favour of all students here at Upper Hutt College. These include being a part of decision making around key aspects of student life here at UHC such as uniform changes, the painting of the bathroom ceilings, changes to the current cafeteria menu, UHC visual identity, risk identification and management.

I have been proud to be the 2021 student representative on the Board of Trustees. The experience has taught me many valuable skills that will last a lifetime and has given me many opportunities to help create the best environment for all at UHC.

Lily Candy

Student representative