UHC Admin — Apr 5, 2023

International students have returned to UHC and have been thoroughly enjoying their experience at our school. Year 12 student Hina Matsumoto tells us about her time in the Adventure course.

In this class, you can experience things that you cannot experience in Japanese study programs. All the activities are a lot of fun, although sometimes they are hard. 

I did tramping and rock climbing this term. These were all new to me, but I had a lot of fun. We will be able to enjoy our school life here even more by taking this class with activities that allow us to feel the nature of New Zealand. You can also interact with local students through lessons.It will be one of the most valuable experiences for international students.

We went tramping up a mountain pass, crossing a river and staying overnight at a lodge. The road was harsh and exhausting, but I had fun with my friends. 

The mountain roads were steep uphills and downhills, and it was very hard to walk with a heavy backpack. The backpack was heavy because it contained food and clothes for two days. 

When I crossed the river, my shoes and trousers got wet because I entered the river. It was painful to keep walking. The shoes didn't dry until the next day, so I went home wearing wet shoes.I think I should have brought a spare pair of shoes.

We spent the night at the lodge playing card games and stargazing. It was so much fun. I think I was able to experience things through tramping that I wouldn't have been able to experience just by living a normal life. 

I was able to appreciate the fact that I was able to live without any inconvenience, and I was able to feel the richness of nature that can only be experienced through tramping.

As the name suggests, rock climbing involves climbing real sharp rocks. It was scary at first, but the feeling of accomplishment when I reached the top was amazing.  The horizon seen from the top of the rock and the scenery spreading there were very beautiful.  There were times when I fell while climbing, but I'm really glad that I was able to do something that I can't do in Japan. This was a big challenge for me, but I'm happy to have fun memories.

In this class, various activities are planned to enjoy New Zealand life in future terms. I'm really looking forward to them. Sometimes it's too hard, but all of them will remain as a very nice experience for me.

Whether it's thrills, fun with friends, or just enjoying the scenery, New Zealand's natural surroundings are the perfect way to do it. I am honoured to have had the chance to choose this class. I think that being able to get along with your classmates is also a good point.

I am glad that I was able to experience these activities during my limited study abroad life. I hope we enjoy the activities ahead.