Hero photograph
Photo by Peter Blank

A touch of Italia in Year 13 Dance & Drama production

UHC Admin —

Year 13's have taken to the stage with a slice of Italy in 1040, through the lens of Shakespeare. Student Carissa Greyling covers the performance.

For the UHC Year 13 Production this year, the 301 Dance and Drama classes performed 'Il Macabro' set in 1040's Italy - a classic tragedy with elements of dance intertwined, brought to life in our school hall.

The production 'Il Macabro' is adapted from Macbeth written by Shakespeare. With a twist! In our adaption, Macabro is an Italian ruler of Castello led by witches resembling fate along a treacherous path encouraged by his wife, Signora Macabro. This path would make Macabro a don but ultimately lead to murder, betrayal, and lies. Greed & paranoia would arise a civil war against Macabro he would never see coming.

Overall this year's production allowed Year 13 Dance and Drama classes to come together for the first time and create something that we were all proud to perform. Taking on a classic play was a challenge for every student this year. 

 The result was a production which conveyed emotion to the audience through riveting fight scenes, sombre dances and eye-catching performances.

Productions are genuinely something spectacular! If I were you, I would not want to miss out. So come along & experience the next production to see for yourself.