UHC Admin — Apr 22, 2021

Year 13 students Lucy Schofield, Mackenzie Brewer and Emma Howie-Buckley have been honoured at Government House with Queen's Guide awards.

The Queen's Guide Award is the highest award in Girl Guiding internationally and takes 4 years to complete. Having been involved in Guides since the age of five years, the trio have poured hundreds of hours of time and energy into many different activities.

In order to receive the award, the students had to meet criteria every step along the way and gain their relevant badges for things such as community service, first aid, camping etc.

At the awards evening, where there was a strictly formal dress code, the girls were treated to "very fancy" food, while chatting with the Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy.

Reflecting on their personal accomplishments, the girls have all learned a great deal along the way.  Lucy says it was time management that was the biggest skill she has learned while for Mackenzie it was the team work and working with others.

The girls agreed that although it has been a lot of hard work to get to this point, it is definitely worth it and encourage other girls to get on board too.

Mackenzie is continuing her involvement with Guides, leading Pippins (age 5-7) and Brownies (age 7-9).