Hero photograph
Photo by Judith Taylor


UHC Admin —

We are keen to have your feedback on our draft Strategic Plan 2023-2025.

While the Ministry of Education sets a number of strategic goals for the School, the Upper Hutt College Board and Senior Leadership Team also plan on where they want to focus their improvement efforts.

Initial thoughts on focus areas for the next strategic plan can be found at: https://www.upperhutt.school.nz/information/uhc-draft-strategic-plan-2023-2025

Three areas where the school would like to provide a better learning experience have been identified as:

- student wellbeing

- teaching practice and staff retention

- greater use of digital technology in learning.

Our aim is to ensure our students are prepared for the future through: high academic achievement, high attendance, and being confident, connected lifelong learners.

Your feedback, and any suggestions or submissions can be sent to board@upperhutt.school.nz.