Hero photograph
Photo by Peter Blank

Te Kura Summer School

UHC Admin —

Te Kura’s Summer School is a good backup option for ākonga who need some extra help to get them across the line.

Registrations for Te Kura’s popular Summer School will be opening in November.

Te Kura is anticipating that with the continued disruptions caused by COVID-19, along with extreme weather events in the upper South Island this winter, there will be increasing numbers of ākonga looking to top up their credits for NCEA and University Entrance over the summer holidays.

More than 1500 ākonga take advantage of Summer School each year to complete their studies, enabling them to go on to further study, training or employment. Summer School courses are delivered online from December to February, so with access to a computer and the internet, ākonga can learn anywhere and anytime.

We offer a range of internal standards at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3. Our qualified kaiako (teachers) are already gearing up for Summer School, and will be available online to support ākonga.

It’s great to see from the feedback we get from ākonga that for them, summer study can be life-changing. And our research shows that many ākonga who come to us learn about what we offer from their own schools and kaiako.