Hero photograph
Photo by Judith Taylor

Upper Hutt College Board message: College policies and strategic direction

UHC Admin —

We need your help in shaping our school policies and setting our strategic direction.

The Upper Hutt College Board is made up of elected parent representatives, staff and student representatives, co-opted and elected parent representatives and the principal. This group works hard to ensure our students have the best environment possible to get the most out of their learning.

We are currently seeking your help to review some of our school policies. At the moment these include our enrolment, student attendance, and uniform/dress code policies. Your input and feedback can be provided online as follows:

Please go to: https://upperhuttcollege.schooldocs.co.nz

1. Enter the username: upperhuttcollege

2. Enter the password: beworthy

3. Click the ‘Current Review’ button at the top of the page

4. Scroll down to see the Term 1 review topics

5. Click on the relevant link to read a policy

6. Click the ‘Start Review’ button

7. Select your ‘reviewer type’ (Whānau’ or ‘Student’)

8. Enter your name (optional)

9. Submit your ratings and comments

It’s that easy, and if you don’t have internet access, school office staff can provide you with a printed copy of the policy and a review form.

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We are also seeking input into the School’s strategic priorities. While the Ministry of Education sets a number of strategic goals for the School, the Upper Hutt College Board and Senior Leadership Team also plan on where they want to focus their improvement efforts.

Initial thoughts on focus areas for the the next strategic plan can be found at: https://www.upperhutt.school.nz/information/uhc-draft-strategic-plan-2022-2024

With improved student wellbeing, better teaching practice and staff retention, and greater use of digital technology in learning, identified as three areas where the school would like to provide a better learning experience.

Our aim to ensure our students are prepared for the future through: high academic achievement, high attendance, and being confident, connected lifelong learners.

Your feedback, and any suggestions or submissions can be sent to board@upperhutt.school.nz.