Principal's message
Kia ora, e te whānau
It’s been a long and challenging term, and I’m sure we are all pleased to get to the end of it. Thank you for your patience with the disruptions arising from the teacher industrial action - we hope it will be resolved in the next few weeks and we can get back to normal.
Despite the disruptions, life at school has continued with students involved in a huge range of activities, as shown in this Panui/Newsletter. A special mention to our Showquest team for all their hard work, our Barbershop Quartet off to Nationals for the first time in many years, the Poly Club performing again at HuttFest and the great events at the Junior Celebration Week – a nice way to finish the term.
Our rescheduled Open Evening will be held on Wednesday 26 July, starting at 6pm. This allows parents and caregivers of prospective Year 9 students to tour the school with our student leaders and speak with teaching staff about subject choices for 2024.
Finally, we farewelled two key staff members at the end of this term. Amy Perkins, Assistant Principal and Head of Year 10 has been with us since 2017 and has had a huge impact in a number of key areas in the school. She isn't going far, taking up a position as Deputy Principal at Fergusson Intermediate and we wish her all the best in her new role. Sam Twomey, our Director of Sport, has been with us since 2016 and has been instrumental in changing the culture of sport at UHC. He is moving to a role with Wellington Basketball, and we wish him every success in his new position.
I hope these holidays give everyone the chance to have a break, to refresh and re-energise for the busy term ahead.
Ngā mihi nui
Judith Taylor