UHC Admin — Dec 13, 2021

Major award winners in Year 10 were invited to the scaled back prizegiving in the school hall. These students were acknowledged for their mahi and commitment to learning at UHC.

The major award of the morning, The Upper Hutt College PTA President's Cup, was jointly awarded to Sofia Johnson and Emily Blackadder.  

This is awarded to a Year 10 student for their classroom achievement and their contribution to College life. 

Both students have been excellent role-models for their peers through their enthusiastic involvement in wider school life be it through sport or cultural activities, their excellent work ethics and academic results.

All Round Excellence for each House went to:

Graduate with Excellence:

The Certificate of Achievement is an Award that our junior students work towards all year. It recognises their academic achievement, self-management and social co-operative skills and their work completion. 

This award also takes into account attendance and participation in co-curricular activities.

In order to achieve a Certificate of Achievement endorsed with Excellence students must gain a minimum of 900 credits out of the maximum of 1060.

The following students graduated with Excellence

It was also acknowledged that the two students with the highest COA points in Year 10 were Sofia Johnson (1059) and Emily Blackadder (1057).  Their totals are out of a possible 1060.