UHC Admin — May 22, 2023

Year 10 students were welcomed to the Japanese Embassy where they furthered their understanding of Japanese culture. Students Nathan Cooley and Sam McGinty run us through the trip.

Visiting the Embassy in Wellington was a great opportunity to learn about Japanese culture and enlighten the UHC Japanese students about careers in Japan.

Before we entered the Embassy we visited the Japanese market that had lots of Japanese foods and snacks!

Once we were inside the Embassy we learnt about what the people there do as well as playing some games correlating with Japanese culture and language, such as Karuta (a traditional Japanese game involving cards with images on a table, where the names of those images were called out and players would race to slap the card with that corresponding image on it).

We all enjoyed our time in Wellington and there was something to take away from the Embassy for everyone as we all learnt something new.