Hero photograph
Photo by Peter Blank

Ricky named YMCA Youth Member of the Month!

UHC Admin —

Smashing every goal set in and out of the gym has seen Year 10 student Ricky Huxedurp named the YMCA 'Youth Member of the Month'.

David from YMCA has been very impressed with Ricky who has kicked the year off with success and he passes on his firm congratulations.

"Ambition is the best way to describe Ricky - Whether it is performing lifts over 100kg or performing Muscle Up exercises!" says David.

"Ricky continues to follow workout programmes set for him, participates in group fitness classes all while developing social connections with youths and adults in the gym.

"Well deserved Ricky, keep your ambitions high and keep up the mahi! #YsUp #Ycentral #Yfamily #Ycommunity #Yfitness #Ymemberofthemonth #Yyouthmemberofthemonth #youth

Ricky joined the YMCA gym on back of spending time doing gymnastics in Sydney.  He got the fitness bug, and is at the gym five days a week. 

He focuses on good form and personal goals, and never fails to impress the team at the YMCA. 

Ricky also volunteers at UHAG family events supporting younger children and helping them create connections with others.