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by Belinda Walker

Hello, I am Nicolas!

Nicolas Von Planta - August 23, 2023

I am a student from Berlin who decided to spend his exchange year in Upper Hutt New Zealand

After the "Auckland Orientation ", where I got prepared for this exchange, I took the flight from Auckland to Wellington. At Wellington Airport, my new host family picked me up and we went out for dinner. I arrived on a Sunday, so the next day I went directly to this school.

My first impression was really good because even though it was my first time at this school, many students said "hi" to me as if they knew me. This was something new to me because the students and the people in Germany tend to be more reserved. When we met our buddies, I was lucky, because my buddy is a very nice person and he shows me everything. He directly integrated me into his friend group and I like this group. I have already made friends from many different countries such as New Zealand, Japan, India, and a few other Germans international students.

After the first three weeks, I can say that everybody is so nice to me and I've made a lot of new friends. My friend group already made plans for going to Wellington together, so they can show me around the city and if we do it in summer or on a warm day, we are going to jump off the harbor.

With a few friends, I have already been to the cinema and after that, they showed me a little bit around Upper Hutt.

I have joined the 2nd X11 Football team at Upper Hutt College and was also selected to play in a game for the first team. Football is a huge passion of mine and I am lucky that the school has football teams!

The school subjects here at Upper Hutt College are different from Germany, for example, I take BCO as a subject (Building and Construction) where we build tables out of wood. In Germany a subject like this doesn't exist, also Adventure Education is a subject you can't imagine in Germany. Even though the hours at Upper Hutt College are longer than the German school day, the day feels shorter, I think that's because of the longer lunchtime, and the enjoyable subjects.

Overall, I think for the students, the school system here is way better than in Germany.

Another thing that makes me happy is the school completely cares about the students. For example, after school there is always somebody who takes care that every student reaches his or her bus on time. Furthermore, the teachers, the deans, ask me how my time is, and they ask me if everything is okay. They show that they´re interested in my well-being.

I just enjoy my time and I am happy that I chose New Zealand, especially Upper Hutt College.

I love the time being here and making new friends.

Nicolas von Planta