Hero photograph
Photo by Peter Blank

Year 12's replicate famous images

UHC Admin —

This term, 12IH decided to challenge the other Year 12 Ako classes to a competition in the hopes they'll reciprocate and challenge us later on with something else. And boy did they!

The challenge was to take a well known image and replicate it. Classes could pick any picture, as long as the original and the new one had at least 10 people. 

Props and costumes were encouraged but not mandatory. The following classes submitted their entries:

  • 12IH - The Ides of March
  • 12AM - Liberty Leading the People
  • 12OH - The Last Supper
  • 12HI - The Peita
  • 12VH - Lunch atop a Skyscraper

Assistant Principal Mr Blank was the judge for this competition - all entries were amazing, so it was obviously a hard choice. However, the winning Ako classes were 12IH and 12VH.

The creativeness, likeness to the original and impact of each was judged to be outstanding.