Hero photograph
Photo by Peter Blank

Year 9 Leaders

UHC Admin —

At Upper Hutt College we provide leadership opportunities to our students, including those newest to our school - Year 9s. Students Ella Wright and Summer Shaw share their ideas.

Kia Ora whanau!

We’re Ella and Summer, two of 12 Year 9 leaders this year! We want to help make this year a memorable one for all students, and make sure that they are all getting the education they desire! 

We want to help create an inclusive and accepting environment for students of all backgrounds. In this school, we sure do have a diverse group of students, and we all have different interests or traits. 

We look forward to being able to lead all sorts of fun events for you all as the year progresses. There are so many amazing options that students can be a part of like all the sports and electives.

We wish all students a happy week, and furthermore, a wonderful year at this school of opportunity! Good luck to all for this new year that is 2022!