UHC Admin — Apr 5, 2023

Over the last few weeks of Term 1, there have been a number of Easter themed events held around school. One of these has been organised by the student Wellbeing Committee, and was the highly successful “Rabbit Art” competition. Year 13 student Grace Tilley reports.

The rules were simple - draw an Easter rabbit any way you like, and submit it into the library to be judged. We had lots of fantastic entries from some very talented artists, some of which are shown in the photos. 

On Tuesday of the last week of term we invited Ms Taylor and Ms Perkins to come and judge the entries, selecting four winners.

It was difficult to choose, but the four chosen winners were;

There were also two special mentions made to Ella Ramsay and Ms Nava for their awesome entries!

Thank you to everyone who participated, we hope you had fun!