Hero photograph
Photo by Emma Barrett

Physical Education and Health Year 9

Emma Barrett —

Developing motor skills while also developing constructive positive values and attitudes towards themselves and others.

Physical Education and Health is compulsory.

Physical Education and Health in Year 9 focusses on the students developing their motor skills while also developing constructive positive values and attitudes towards themselves and others.

The curriculum coverage for the year explicitly relates to each of the College values:

  • Manaakitanga: students learn about respecting and caring for self, others and society learning in, through and about movement through the context of Aquatics and co-operative games

  • Tika: students learn about promotion of diversity and acceptance of difference through sport choice and a range of modified activities

  • Whakuate: connecting and building strong relationships by developing interpersonal skills within the context of tchoukball and other sporting contexts.


  • Participating and contributing through class discussions in health and through teamwork in practical classes

  • Thinking by looking at life from other people’s points of view, critiquing their own participation in Physical Education through the concept of Hauora in Physical Education and by learning new tactics and strategies in new games e.g. tchoukball

  • Managing self by being prepared for each lesson and working successfully towards goals

  • Relating to others by appreciating their own strengths and weaknesses and the strengths and weaknesses of others in sporting contexts through analysis of character strengths and practically developing their interpersonal skills throughout the year

  • Using language, symbols, and texts by developing their communication skills.

Enquiries to: Ms Barrett