Hero photograph
Photo by Helen Nicholson

Financial Literacy For Life Level 3

Helen Nicholson —

This course is designed to improve students’ skills and knowledge so they are financially capable for life after school.

Entry Recommendation



This course is designed to improve students’ skills and knowledge so they are financially capable for life after school.  

The aim is to have students who feel confident and are able to make informed financial decisions in life. This module will run for half a year.


This course will cover a variety of important topics that students will find relevant now and as they start life beyond school. These will include the financial and non-financial topics listed below.

  • Banking matters – types of accounts, debit vs credit cards, different loan types, how interest rates work and why they are important.

  • Issues of importance in student life – student loans, allowances, obligations with renting, rights as a consumer and as an employee.

  • Advice for life – budgeting, insurances, taxes, investments, Kiwisaver, buying a house.


Students will investigate and critically evaluate different financial scenarios and gain confidence in completing financial calculations and understanding related documentation.  

They will develop an understanding of the wider financial community and a skillset that will set them up for life.

Enquiries to: Mrs Sherry

Achievement Standard


US28100 V4 - Develop a plan to show how a budget contributes to achieving a long-term financial goal

✅ Credits 4

❎ UE Reading

❎ UE Writing

US28103 V3 - Analyse and select personal financing options for purchasing a property

✅ Credits 4

❎ UE Reading 

❎ UE Writing 

Note: The Unit Standards offered in this course allow students to be awarded Achieved, Merit or Excellence, hence they contribute towards NCEA Merit and Excellence Endorsement.