Hero photograph
Year 9 Villa Students helping and learning about the process of Māori weaving
Photo by Theresa Gimblett

“Whiria te tangata” Weave the people together.

Theresa Gimblett —

This term the Languages and Arts Faculties collaborated on a pilot for Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora (Weaving). At the heart was the whakataukī Whiria te tangata - Weave the people together

Ākonga began this Pilot by exploring raranga with its fascinating history and creative application. They gained understanding of the tikanga and process of weaving Harakeke, its symbolic meaning in Aotearoa and kupu Māori through presentations, games and activities such as Te Rehi Mīharo.

On the 12th of June, a number of ākonga alongside Matua Wiremu and Ms Palmer visited Koura Reserve in Rangiora to harvest Harakeke for their classmates.

“Going to get the Harakeke was incredibly fun! Before we were allowed to cut the Harakeke we had to learn about how sacred and special the plant is and how to look after it. After we had a run through about the Harakeke, we all cut the grandparents of the plant so we could use them in our flax folding to make crosses. The trip was so enjoyable, and I learnt so many new things about the Harakeke plant and the Māori community.” Katie Ward, M7.

While this group was off site, the rest of the ākonga at school practised raranga with pepa (paper) to create crosses. The symbol of the cross was chosen to align with the special character of our Kura. Once the Harakeke was prepared and brought back to school, ākonga created their Harakeke crosses, utilising all the skill and knowledge they gained about Ngā Mahi ā te Whare Pora.

The plan is to use the many Harakeke crosses to create a Korowai that could be both displayed and used as wearable Art. The korowai will represent and link each of the ākonga involved in this Pilot, and will be symbolic of leadership, our Kura's special character, as well as the obligation to care for the people and environment.

We look forward to continuing this mahi in our subject areas for Pilot 2 next term.