Nathalie Bonnetat — Jun 15, 2023

On Friday 9 June, the University of Canterbury’s Department of Global, Cultural and Language Studies hosted an immersion French Day.

Our Villa Maria College Senior French students took part in this event joining around 300 Senior French students from Canterbury schools. The theme for the day was the Rugby World Cup taking place in France in September and October 2023. It was a very educative day, fully packed with exciting activities such as ice breaking sessions to make acquaintances with other French students, a treasure hunt on Canterbury University grounds and a dance performance.

Image by: Nathalie Bonnetat

Our Senior French students collaborated with University of Canterbury’s French students who acted as tuakana. They all enjoyed the brioche at breaktime and being able to connect with other Francophiles.

Merci Mr Viselli and Mr Mouhica pour cette fantastique journée !

Nathalie Bonnétat

Professeur de français