Deborah Brosnahan — Nov 14, 2023

Restorative practices, curriculum focus and healthy habits.

Tēnā koutou katoa,

For our students this has been an exceptionally short week of learning. Staff are today enjoying some time to revisit and learn more about Restorative Practices as these are important skills to ensure right relationships are maintained. Our core value of Tika relies on these skills to make things right again when something has occurred that affects the balance, or wellbeing of the relationship, undermining our sense of justice.

On Monday, staff will be working on the changes to curriculum and assessment. There will be a particular focus on the Year 11 programme which will be different in 2024.

I am sure many of you will be aware of the recent wave of Covid going through the community once again. While there are no requirements in place to isolate for a particular period, for the welfare of the many vulnerable members of our community we do ask that you keep your children at home through periods of illness. Attendance is important, but not risking others health by spreading infection! I have been concerned by some conversations I have had with students who seem to have forgotten the risks of sharing drink bottles for a range of infections even when we have just come through a pandemic. Handwashing and keeping ourselves safe with all these basic precautions are so important.

Enjoy your weekend with your rangatahi!

Deborah Brosnahan