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Villa Maria College —

In current times, parenting faces a unique set of challenges amplified by rapid technological advancements and shifting societal norms. Balancing screen time and ensuring responsible online behavior has become increasingly complex as children are immersed in digital environments from an early age. Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of social media and online interactions requires parents to foster both digital literacy and emotional well-being. Additionally, the ongoing global health concerns have prompted new considerations for children's physical and mental health, requiring parents to adapt their approaches to education, socialisation, and overall family dynamics to ensure a resilient and balanced upbringing. Below are some websites that can help support you on your parenting journey.


Nigel Latta Facebook

Nathan Wallace

Nathan Wallace Facebook

Oranga Tamariki Information for Caregivers

Parenting Place



Listening to Families is a series of free video resources that answer real, everyday questions about health and wellbeing challenges facing our community, particularly our children, young people and their whānau.

Fun wellbeing activities to support whānau to look after their wellbeing and feel good.

The Pause Breathe Smile. At home resources.

Parenting website teens 12-18 years

Need to Talk

Parent Help Line 0800 568856

Plunket Line 0800 933 922

Healthline 0800 611 116 for advice from registered nurses