Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Jackson

Year 9 - Maths

Lisa Jackson —

Mathematics is compulsory. The courses cover the six strands of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum; Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Statistics and Probability, at Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Students will be exposed to a range of open and closed type questions to solve problems presented to them. 

They will be given a variety of situations and are expected to select and reason the mathematics involved in the given situation. 

They will also be expected to learn certain basic facts and then use and apply this knowledge to more complex situations.

All learners are encouraged to build their knowledge through recognising mathematical opportunities in real life and making sense of the given situations. An ability to be able to understand and use technology will be developed.


The course is designed to enable students to develop the skills needed to understand how to solve problems in the real world. They will form:

  • Deep understanding of all areas of number is important including fractions, decimals and percentages.

  • An understanding of measurement and geometry

  • An understanding of probability and statistics

  • An understanding of algebra and more abstract mathematical concepts helps with higher level thinking and problem solving.

Students who are below level 3 of the curriculum will be supported through targeted intervention via the learning support department.


A scientific calculator is essential for this course.

Course contribution:

A Mathematics workbook is utilized to support students learning as well as an online Mathematics programme. Cost $40

Enquiries to: Ms Trillo.