NZPF Conference Rural Principals' Lunch 2022L - R: Tana Klaricich (South Featherston School), Rachel Whalley (Kōtui Ako VLN), Ally Gibbs (Mulberry Grove School), Sandra Rolls (Aoraki Mt Cook School), Andrea Haycock (Rangitaiki School), Cyndi Burnett (Haast School). In front: Kath Johnson (Halfmoon Bay/ Te Kura O Rakiura) by Rachel Whalley

Rural Principals Reconnect

Rural schools contribute up 68% of VLN Primary learners, so it was great to reconnect with some of our Principals at NZPF conference in Christchurch recently.

After two years of kanohi ki te kanohi drought, Principals were eager to connect and turned out en masse to NZPF conference in Christchurch. 

Keynote speakers plied us with leadership strategies and analogies and inspired us to pick up the wero of what can at times be a challenging role. Some encouraged us to think differently about future possibilities and be courageous in imagining different futures for our schools and learners. Others clearly spelled out what it is our rangatahi and tamariki need from us and how we can serve them better, especially our Māori ākonga.

In conversations with colleagues I heard that online or blended learning was becoming more acceptable to them. They really appreciated the opportunity to engage in a wide range of PLD that was previously inaccessible to them. If Principals are recognising these opportunities for themselves, perhaps it is time to consider how online learning opportunities can benefit their learners.

I sense a change of attitude is starting to grow across the education sector towards the part of online/blended learning in schools. This was reinforced by the recognition from Principal colleagues at NZPF AGM regarding the role of the VLN Primary in schools and my role as ePrincipal.
Ngā mihinui ki a koutou ngā rangatira.