Ava's work on the Access Barrier Boarding Allowance by Halfmoon Bay School

Exceptional mahi and results Ava!

We were very excited to hear that Ava at Halfmoon Bay School was successful in her petition to government to increase the boarding allowance. This will make a significant difference to whānau around the country when their children have to attend boarding school to continue their education. Your mahi is inspirational to us all Ava!
We are super proud of Ava for the work she is doing around trying to get the Government to increase the Access Barrier Boarding Allowance. Boarding fees have nearly doubled since 2006 and now sit at an average of over $14,000 per year while the Access Barrier Boarding Allowance has not increased since 2014!  Kath Johnson, Principal, Halfmoon Bay School, Rakiura | Stewart Island

"Yesterday I received an email from the Petitions Committee saying they had considered my petition and given their recommendation. They recommend that the Ministry of Education increases the Access Barrier Boarding Allowance. They have said they will increase it by 8% at the start of 2023. This will be the first time it has been raised since 2014. This will raise it by an extra $256 per year. They also believe that the Ministry of Education should be able to find the money to increase the Access Barrier Boarding Allowance even more. The boarding fees have increased by a third since 2014 so they suggest that the Ministry of Education also increases the Access Barrier Boarding Allowance by a third. This would be an extra $1067 per year. This is not what we were hoping but at least they are going to increase it…Next Friday MPs Liz Craig and Rachel Brooking are coming to the Island and I’m going to meet with them about the ABBA."
By Ava

You can read the Education and Workforce Select Committee report in the attachment below.
