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Waihī Beach School

Waihī Beach School Newsletter - Term 2 2024 | Week 2


Pōwhiri for whānau hou | new families

by Rachael Coll

MANAAKITANGA: Our student leaders demonstrated their hospitality skills to prepare for our school pōwhiri, which elevated our visitors' and our school's mana.

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Fourth Fridays: Waihī Beach Village late night shopping

by Rachael Coll

Please support our local Village and register your stall, or come along to enjoy the atmosphere!

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School Board Elections results

by Rachael Coll

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Combined Choir

by Rachael Coll

KOTAHITANGA | Unity - so heartening to see all of our kura together to perform as a roopu. Super proud of Erueti who auditioned for a lead vocal part too, Karawhiua e hoa!

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Beach School Cross Country results

by Rachael Coll

Congratulations to all our tamariki who ran in our Beach School Cross Country!

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Whakaari | Play - Te Koha o Tangaroa

by Rachael Coll

Our Y5/6 tamariki are working on a school play with Whaea Victoria, called "Te Koha o Tangaroa". It is based on our pukapuka | book illustrated by our tamariki in 2023 and the mural around our school pool.

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Hero communication - Weekly Wrap Ups!

by Rachael Coll

Our kaiako send out a Hero 'wrap up' post from their classes each week - it is a great insight into how learning happens and reminders for the following week. Please READ the Hero updates as it is our main form of communication.

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Hero app - calendar

Term 2 School Calendar - Please use HERO Parent app!

by Rachael Coll

Hands-on learning, authentic and meaningful learning is critical for our tamariki deepen their learning. A vibrant school like ours always has lots happening to cater for our tamariki.

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Pink Shirt Day

by Rachael Coll

Pink shirt day is a special day when we wear pink to show that we don’t accept bullying.

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Disco this Friday!

by Rachael Coll

Wahoo – it’s the first disco of the year! Let's get down... Neon theme – dress bright and bold!

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Waihī Beach School 100 year Centenary - October 2024

by Rachael Coll

Something BIG is coming and we don’t want you to miss out… This year Waihī Beach School is proud to celebrate 100 years of education in our beautiful coastal village.

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Hauora Space

by Rachael Coll

Hauora is a Māori philosophy of health unique to Aotearoa. Our hauora | wellbeing is paramount to our development, growth and learning.

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Regular Attendance @ school

by Rachael Coll

Our kaiako | teachers ensure that targeted lessons are planned for their learners, and regular attendance is critical to ensuring that all tamariki access the teaching and learning that they need.

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by Rachael Coll

Multiple cases of Chickenpox have been reported at school over the last couple of weeks.

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Design of NEW Waihī Beach Library and Service Centre.

by Rachael Coll

Community Information Drop-in Session to get feedback on the design from 3pm-6pm on Thursday 23 May, at the Waihī Beach Library and Service Centre. Feedback closes 5pm on the 31st May.

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Pam's Positively Fun Night of Trivia

by Rachael Coll

Saturday 18th May 2024, 6.30-10pm

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Hauora ☘ Mirimiri 🏵 Rākau 🌿 Rongoā This Saturday, 18 May! Nau mai, haere mai.

by Rachael Coll

Please read the pānui for details.

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