Hero photograph
Photo by Waikato Diocesan

From the School Association

Renee Beere —

The Dio Association is excited to begin the Stock Scheme Programme again. This is a wonderful way for our farming community to contribute to fundraising projects for the school. In the past, this Scheme has had a huge influence in getting major projects such as the netball and football field upgrade completed, along with the hockey turf and the installation of our wonderful sculptures around the school.

We are always extremely grateful to our farming community for their support.

Please click here and complete the Google form to register your interest in the Scheme. 

Our coordinator will be in touch directly with you to help you get started. Alternatively, please email sarahjane.bourne@icloud.com if you would like to talk to Sarah-Jane or Robert about the scheme.

We are also seeking expressions of interest in becoming an “Urban Farmer”. You agree to donate the cost of a bag of milk powder (approximately $100), to a farmer, who then goes on to raise the calf for you, until it is ready to be sold. Please complete this Google form to show your interest. Insert Google form for Urban Farmer

As mentioned in the last DioNews, the Association is keen to get a register of “Friends of the Association” underway. If you would like to be part of this team, please email wdsgassociation@gmail.com From time to time we will contact you to either help at an event, find sponsors for upcoming events, or share our news and progress on fundraising events. This is another great way to stay in contact with the school and what is happening within it. We will keep you updated with upcoming events relating to the Association.

With thanks to you all,

Renee Beere

Parent Association Chair
