Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqueline Smith

Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.

Dio Communications —

Week 1 (NB Boarding van transport not available this week)

Tuesday, 30 January:

  • Year 9 students with parents arrive in full school uniform for a welcome and afternoon tea by 3.00 pm. Please enter via Gate 1 on River Road, leave baggage in vehicles and enter boarding via Bishops Hall. NB: The boarding permission form MUST be completed before your arrival. Please click here to complete.

NB: Dinner for Year 9 students and student leaders will be at 6.00 pm. (Year 9 parents will depart boarding before this time - at approx. 5.00 pm)

  • Year 13 boarders and peer support leaders - return to boarding by 7.00 pm in preparation for camp and training during the week. Please enter via Gate 2. NB: the dining room will NOT be open for returning senior students.

Wednesday, 31 January:

  • Year 9 Orientation – the first day of school.
  • Y12 Peer Support training starts
  • Year 13 Camp departs

NB: The dining room is open for all Year 9 students and Year 12 peer support leaders during the day. Boarding students will have packed lunches made at breakfast for this week.

  • Year 10 boarders return by 7.00 pm. NB: the dining room will NOT be open for returning senior students.

Thursday, 1 February:

  • Year 9 Orientation continues (DRESS in PE HOUSE COLOURS)
  • Year 10 - the first day of school. Meet in the Chapel at 8.30 am.
  • Y12 Peer Support training continues

NB: The dining room is open for Years 9 & 10 and peer support leaders who are boarders for breakfast, lunch (packed lunches) and dinner.

Friday, 2 February:

  • Year 9 and 10 students form class 8.30 am to 9.00 am and then start classes
  • Year 13 return from camp

NB: The dining room is open for all Years 9 & 10 students and peer support leaders who are boarders for breakfast and lunch (packed lunches).

  • Boarding Exeat Weekend: the boarding houses will be closed at 5.00 pm for the long weekend. NB: All students are expected to return between 5 and 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 6 February, to prepare well for the first ‘regular’ week. This includes all senior students.

NB: The dining room is closed for dinner.

Week 2 (Boarding van transportation starts this week)

  • Tuesday, 7 February: ALL boarders are back in boarding (between 5-7.00 pm).

NB: the dining room is closed on this day.

  • Wednesday, 8 February: All students at school (for official powhiri). 

Week 3

  • Monday, 12 February: Investiture of Student Leaders at Chapel
  • Tuesday, 13 February: Shrove Tuesday 
  • Wednesday, 14 February - Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day
    • Valentine’s Theme Dinner - 6.00 pm for all boarders
  • Friday, 16 February: Photolife Class and ID photos and Y9 Meet the Teacher Evening
  • Friday 16 February to Saturday 17 February. Compulsory Boarding ‘In-Weekend’ (separate communication will be shared with more information). Students can apply for leave from 5.00 pm Saturday.

Week 4

  • Tuesday, 20 February - World Day of Social Justice

Week 5

  • Tuesday, 27 February - Athletics Day at Porritts Stadium

Week 6

  • Thursday, 7 March: Swimming Sports at Dio
  • Friday, 8 March: International Women's Day and School Open Day
    • Boarding Exeat Weekend: the boarding houses will be closed at 5.00 pm for the weekend. Students must return on Sunday by 7.00 pm or Monday morning before 8.00 am. (The dining room is closed on Sunday.)

Week 7

  • Wednesday, 13 March to Friday, 15 March Year 9 School Camp - Ngaaruawaahia
  • Sunday, 17 March: Boarders’ Chapel, 7.30 pm with St Paul’s Collegiate (students in full uniform and all families welcome to join us) at Dio. Students are to return to boarding by 6.00 pm.

Week 8

  • Summer Tournament Week
  • Wednesday, 20 March - International Day of Happiness
  • Sunday, 24 March - Palm Sunday
    •  House Services for Blake, Hillary and Ross at 7.00 pm in Chapel. Students in these houses must return to boarding at 6.00 pm to attend this chapel service.

Week 9

  • Holy Week before Easter Weekend
  • Thursday, 28 March - Maundy Thursday
    • Boarding Exeat Weekend: the boarding houses will be closed at 5.00 pm for the weekend. Students must return on Easter Tuesday by 7.00 pm or Wednesday morning before 8.00 am. (The dining room is closed on Easter Tuesday).
  • Friday 29 March - Good Friday
  • Monday 1 April - Easter Monday
  • Tuesday 2 April - Easter Tuesday

Week 10

  • Monday 1 April - Easter Monday
  • Tuesday 2 April - Easter Tuesday
  • Saturday 6 April - School Production starts 7.00 pm 
  • Sunday 7 April - Matinee of School Production 2.00 pm

Week 11

  • End of term clean up
  • Wednesday, 10 April - School production ends 
  • Thursday, 11 April - Year 10 Challenge Day
  • Friday,12 April - End of Term Chapel 3.20 pm end of school day/term. The boarding houses are closed from 5.00 pm for Term 1 holidays.

NB: For catering purposes, weekend leave must be approved/endorsed by parents each week before Wednesday 8.00 pm at the latest.

Term 2

  • Sunday, 28 April - Boarding students are expected to return to boarding between 5 and 7.00 pm. NB: the dining room will NOT be open on this day.
  • Monday, 29 April - the first day of school for Term 2