Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqueline Smith

Student Spotlight

Jacqueline Smith —

From House Singing to Manu Koorero 2023

Tiaria Potaka's diminutive figure holds a wealth of confidence and conviction that was definitely on display last term. Her sharp wit and natural cheekiness saw her selected alongside Neha Kurien to co-host this year's House Singing Competition. Just a few weeks later, she stood strong and proud representing Waikato Dio at this year's Tainui Regional Manu Koorero Competitions in the Senior English - Korimako Section, held at Claudelands GloBox Arena on Thursday, 13 July 2023. Tiaria's prepared speech was on being 'Unapologetically Waahine Maaori', and for the impromptu section, she spoke about the importance of learning te reo Maaori and tikanga Maaori. The Korimako Contest was sponsored originally by a former Governor General, Sir Bernard Fergusson, Lord Ballantrae, whose express aim was to encourage among Maaori pupils a greater command and fluency in the use of spoken English. Congratulations to Tiaria, who came second overall in the Tainui region in the Senior English section. Ka mau te wehi!