Hero photograph
Photo by Dio Communications

Boarding News

Mandy Bramley —

We were excited to welcome four new international learners to Dio at the start of Term 3. Our new learners Nano, Wynes, Helen and Selina are in Years 10 and 11 and are from Thailand, Hong Kong and China.

This is the first time International learners have been able to enter New Zealand with the recent reopening of our borders. Welcoming our new learners into our boarding house has created a new sense of community within boarding life.

Image by: Dio Communications

After the effects of COVID, normality is returning to the daily social lives of our international learners. School trips, events, activities and dinners have begun to happen regularly again. These fun experiences give our international learners the full experience of life at Dio and opportunities to form friendships.

Annual Boarding Lip Sync Competition

The Boarding Houses unite.

Image by: Dio Communications

We held our annual Lip Sync competition on Sunday, 4 October. This year's theme was Decades (Year 9 - the 60s; Year 10 - the 80s; Year 11 - the 90s; Year 12 - the 70s, and Year 13s, the 2000s). Some parents could attend, and they all enjoyed the event and said it was great to be in contact with other boarding parents. The winning year group was Year 13, with the Year 11 students being a close second.