From the Dio School Association

Dio Communications —

We started our Association year by hosting the traditional Year 9 Meet and Greet after the Meet the Teacher afternoon on Friday, 17 February. On a balmy Hamilton evening, it was held on the Cherrington Lawn, under the trees. It was great to share time and connect with our Year 9 families. Thank you to those who were able to join us and to the staff that could attend

Image by: Dio Communications

On Wednesday, 5 April, at 7.00 pm in the CRC building, we will hold our AGM. We will call for elected positions to be nominated, and voted for. Positions include Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Proprietor's Board Rep, Boarding Rep, and Staff Rep. There is also our Stock Scheme, Dio Bears, Application funding and Hospitality teams. Some of these positions have incumbents standing again. We have also set up a meeting platform for those who want to join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 850 9675 1703 / Passcode: 488510 

We welcome all parents interested in getting involved in the school and building a strong community around our students, staff and school.

Finally, with Summer Tournament just around the corner, we are now inviting applications for financial support for regional or national competitions that require students to travel and maybe stay out of town. Team managers, please go to the Parents dropdown menu on our website homepage, and you will find the application form on our School Association page.

We look forward to meeting many more parent community members this year.

Renee Beere 
