From the Principal
I had the privilege of attending The Big Sing Finale in Christchurch to watch our Bel Suono Choir compete against 23 of New Zealand's top choirs, and bring home a bronze award. Every one of the choirs that took part delivered a stellar performance, and it was beautiful to be a part of it. Well done, and thank you to our Music Director, Mrs Colvin and her amazing team, and to all the Choir members - we are so proud of everyone.
Congratulations to everyone involved in Winter Tournament Week, during which our staff and students travelled to, attended, and participated in various sports events across the North Island. We are very proud of our students for their hard work not only during Tournament Week but in preparation for it. For results and more information, please see the Sports section in this issue.
Both events are a superb celebration of sport/culture in our Kura, and we are thrilled to be out and about competing in events again.
The Parents’ Information and Senior Options Evening on 25 August was not only an opportunity for parents and students to consider senior subject choices for next year, but it was also an opportunity for both Boards to explain their roles and consult with the community around the Dio’s organisational structures and students’ needs as we begin our planning and emerge from under the COVID umbrella. Thank you to our families for your unwavering support of your daughters. For those who were unable to attend, please click here for a video of the presentations.
Changes to the NCEA that recognise the impact of COVID-19 absences
On 10 August 2022, the Ministry of Education announced changes to NCEA that recognise the impact of teacher and student absences due to COVID-19 and other winter illnesses on teaching, learning and assessment this year:
- In 2022 students will be entitled to 1 Learning Recognition Credit (LRC) for every five credits earned through assessment, up to a maximum of 10 LRCs at NCEA level 1 and a maximum of 8 LRCs at each of NCEA levels 2 and 3.
- To receive a Certificate Endorsement, students will need 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level instead of the usual 50.
- To be awarded university entrance students will need 14 credits in each of two UE-approved subjects and 12 credits in a third UE-approved subject (they will also need to attain NCEA level 3 and meet the regular literacy and numeracy requirements).
- The submission dates for some externally assessed portfolios have also been moved back one week – this provides some relief but avoids overlap with end-of-year exams. This will apply to the following subjects:
Technology (NCEA levels 1-3 and NZ Scholarship)
Design and Visual Communication (NCEA levels 1-3 and NZ Scholarship)
Education for Sustainability (NCEA level 3)
Dance (NZ Scholarship)
Music (NZ Scholarship)
Health and Physical Education (NZ Scholarship)
- The dates for Visual Arts and the Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko Common Assessment Task (DCAT) are not changing.
- Where learning needs extend into 2023, NZQA will work with schools to help students be awarded their qualification earlier in the year, outside of the normal annual cycle.
Mary Curran