From the Parents' Association

Anna SinclairJuly 1, 2024

It's hard to believe that we are halfway through the school year already! The Parents' Association would like to thank everyone who came along to The Voices Of Hope evening. This was an educational and inspiring talk about mental health, resilience and how we as parents can understand and support our daughters as they navigate real life issues.

Going forward, the Association would like to organise a guest speaker once a year. We are primarily looking for speakers who can advise and support our parent community on relevant and useful topics. If you have any suggestions on topics or speakers, we would love to hear from you.

Coming up in Term 3, we are excited to be hosting our first-ever mother-daughter event. We would like this to become an annual event that provides our girls with the opportunity to spend some fun and quality time with their mums or the significant female people in their lives.

This year, we have organised a cupcake decorating session, a lovely afternoon tea, and a guest speaker. More information and tickets will go on sale at the beginning of next term.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 6 August, at 6:00 pm in the Hubbard room. Everyone is welcome. Until then, we wish all our families a safe and happy term break

Anna Sinclair

Chair, Parents' Association

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