by Dio Communications
Dio Communications — June 30, 2024
Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
Term 2: 29 April - 5 July
Term 3: 22 July - 27 September
Term 4: 14 October - 10 December
Monday, 22 July - Term 3 Starts
Thursday, 25 July - Toshi School Exchange Arrival, PMC
Wednesday 31 July - School Boards Meeting, Staffroom, 5:15 pm
Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 July - Dance Showcase, Nancy Light Hall, 7:00 pm
Friday, 2 August - NZ Blood Drive, Nancy Light Hall and PMC
Friday 2 August - Get2Go Regionals
Friday 2 August - NZ Chamber Music National Final
Friday 2 August - Nga Manu Korero, Te Aroha - all day
Sunday 4 August - Cantiamo Choir Singing at St Peter's Cathedral Morning Service
Sunday 4 August - Sonning & Waikato Diocesan Old Girls' AGM Piki Mahuta Atrium - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Monday 5 to 9 August - Cultural Celebration Week
Monday, 5 to 9 August - National Boarding Week
Tuesday, 6 August - Senior Advanced Learning Day, Lecture Theatre - all day
Tuesday 6 August - Toshi School Exchange Farewell event, Staffroom - 5:30 pm
Tuesday 6 August - Parents' Association Meeting, Hubboard - 6:00 pm
Tuesday 6, 7 August - Level 3 Drama Production PMC - 7:00 pm
Thursday 8 August - Old Girls' Association Generation Breakfast, Nancy Light Hall - 7:00 am (buy tickets here)
Friday 9 August - Subject Selection Afternoon, Nancy Light Hall - 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Thursday, 15 August, Year 12 Retreat, All Saints Chapel, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Sunday 18 August - Parents' Association Mother Daughter Event, Selwyn Dining Room - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (tickets on sale from term 3)
Tuesday 20 August - School Cross-country, school campus - lunchtime and special C
Tuesday 20, 21 August - Level 2 Drama Production, PMC - 7:00 pm
Thursday 22 August - Year 10 Enterprise evening, Nancy Light Hall - 7:00 pm
Friday 23 August - Year 10 Enterprise, Nancy Light Hall - all day
Friday 23 August - WBOP Band and Orchestra Festival, Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts - all day
Friday 23 to August (pm) and Saturday, 24 August - Kapa Haka Noho, Nancy Light Hall, PMC, Gym
Sunday 25 August - House Chapel Service (Wilson, Scott, Shack). All Saints Chapel - 7:00 pm
Monday 26 August - Father-Daughter Breakfast, Nancy Light Hall/PMC - 7:00 am
Tuesday 27 August - Photolife Team Photos - all day
Tuesday 27 August - High Achievers Concert, All Saints Chapel - 7:00 pm
Wednesday, 28 August to Sunday, 1 September - The Big Sing Finale, Wellington