DioNews, Board of Trustees Edition
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Raewyn McPhillips
Amazingly, it's already the end of the school year, and senior exams will be over in the next few weeks. This year has flown by, and we’re ready for a great start to a hopefully uninterrupted year of learning, growing and engaging in 2023. As the new Board of Trustees Chair (now called Presiding Member), I am pleased to introduce myself and our Board and provide a short overview of our year and focus for 2023.
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Emily Donderwinkel
Head to our website, www.mrgoodfellow.co.nz, where you can order anything from large glazed Christmas hams to slabs of delicious gin syrup-soaked gingerbread or even some marinated steaks for the BBQ. Pick up your order while collecting your daughter from school - or we can arrange delivery. And to make your Christmas parties even easier, you could order delivered catering! This can also be done via the website. GET ORDERING!
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024