DioNews Issue 3, Term 2 2022
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Dio Communications
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls will be undertaking a parent election for 6 School Board vacancies. This process will start with the issuing of nomination papers to our caregiver community by Friday 15th July 2022.
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Jorja Challis
On 24 of June, Aotearoa celebrated our first ever Matariki Public Holiday and Te Kaahu Pihopatanga celebrated Matariki with our second Kapa Haka Noho of the year.
Kym Plaisted
This term has again thrown many challenges, but it has been fantastic to see a number of students finally start work experience on two Service IQ Gateway programmes.
We are delighted to announce the selection of our two Year 10 students who will take part in the Downe House Exchange - the first in two years.
Over the weekend of the 1st-3rd of July, incredible, inspiring Kiwis across Aotearoa helped to change everything with clean water. Together we’ve given struggling communities the tools to keep clean water flowing for years to come.To date, Dio has raised $12,336.41 (the 9th highest NZ fundraising school), which is a massive effort on the part of everyone involved.
A huge congratulations to our 1st XI Cricket team who won the Secondary School Girls' competition in Term 1! They were presented with their trophy at the Waikato schools prize-giving this week. Great work team Dio, we are very proud of you!
Mary Curran
The second term has been a triumphant one for choral singing in the school, with our audition choir ‘Bel Suono’ being selected as one of just 24 choirs to sing at the Big Sing Finale from 25 to 27 August in Christchurch. This was after they won the Excel Trophy for Top Choir at the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Big Sing Competition, alongside a Very Highly Commended award. Congratulations to Cantiamo Chapel Choir who were also selected for the next-level Cadenza competition.
To accommodate the large number of boarding parents who will attend our Years 11, 12 and 13 Learning Conferences (parent/teacher interviews), the school will close early at 2.30 pm on Friday 12 August. Students who need to remain at school after 2.30 pm can use the library and will be supervised by staff. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please support those businesses that support Dio.
Chris Atkinson
The EPro8 Challenge is an inter-school science and engineering competition. Every year over 22,000 students from schools throughout New Zealand take part. Events are run for junior (years 9-10) and senior (Year 11+) age groups. Teams of four students compete for the title of their region’s EPro8 Challenge Champion.
A special congratulations to our House Leaders for a fabulous House Singing event. Head of Blake Emily Gilchrist; Head of Hillary Hannah Hull; Head of Ross Estella Wainui-Mackle; Head of Scott Jonti Garland; Head of Shackleton Alexandra Newman-Jacobs; Head of Wilson Olivia Driscoll.
Congratulations to the students who presented video speeches for the Senior Speech final. Well done on going above and beyond your class work to complete your speeches to a very high level.
Here is this term's edition of Noise. Thanks to editor Bahaar Mahal and her team for creating such a fabulous magazine. He toki kotou!
The school community says farewell and thank you to the following staff members.
Ally Zhang
Term 2 has been full of activity for our instrumental music groups at Dio. On the 22nd of June, the Diorchestra had an amazing workshop with Mrs Victoria Trenwith, the Director of Instrumental Music at Southwell School, where she shared many useful tips which will definitely help the orchestra for upcoming performances and competitions
It's been a very busy few weeks in our Science Department.
Photos and video from the recent House Singing event can be viewed here.
Term Two: 2 May - 8 July / Term Three: 25 July - 30 September / Term Four: 17 October - 13 December
Olivia Bayne
Wowwee the last day of Term 2! We have already made it halfway through the year, how crazy. What an amazing term we have had: jam-packed with school work and internals and such awesome school events. We are excited about what the rest of the year has to offer, so let's get amongst it and make the most of all the opportunities.
This term, Year 12 student Petra Pratt-Rink, a junior member of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, was fortunate enough to be selected as one of the 20 young sailors from yachting clubs all over NZ to attend Blake Inspire For Sailors 2022. The program was a week-long, ocean experiential learning adventure in Auckland.
Marcus Duvenhage
On the 23rd of June, the level 3 Geography class went to Whiritoa for the day. The aim of this trip was to collect data from the beach, we took the wind speed and wind direction, sand samples to analyse and we made a beach profile by measuring the angle of the slopes. This research will be used for Geography 3.5 internal assessment, and conduct geographic research with consultation.
Our 1st XI Hockey team reached the finals of the Waikato Secondary Schools' Girls competition against St Peter's Cambridge. Congratulations to St Peter's on winning the final 3-2 after a nail-biting penalty shoot-out. Hockey was definitely the biggest winner on the night!
Wishing Dio's Harriet Vellenoweth, Cate Young, Poppy Hancock and Eva Conlon all the best as they head to Invercargill next week as part of the Waikato Women's Artistic Team to compete at the NZ Gymnastics Championships. We are so proud of you all and look forward to hearing all the news from the event.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024