DioNews Term 3, Issue 2
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Dio Communications
Term Three: 25 July - 30 September / Term Four: 17 October - 13 December
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Dio Arts Team
Bel Suono had a full-on five days in Ōtautahi Christchurch for The Big Sing Finale. They came home with some extra baggage after being awarded a Bronze Award at the Gala Concert, where they got to perform accompanist Angela Smith’s original composition There is Sweet Music.
I had the privilege of attending The Big Sing Finale in Christchurch to watch our Bel Suono Choir compete against 23 of New Zealand's top choirs, and bring home a bronze award. Every one of the choirs that took part delivered a stellar performance, and it was beautiful to be a part of it. Well done, and thank you to our Music Director, Mrs Colvin and her amazing team, and to all the Choir members - we are so proud of everyone.
A warm Dio welcome to the following new members of staff
Photos from the recent school cross-country and Father-Daughter Breakfast with Dio Dad and Director of Hamilton Zoo, Dr Baird Fleming, can be viewed here.
Wishing all our senior students the very best as they head into their mock exams next week.
We hope you have had a productive few weeks and that our senior students are preparing well for our upcoming senior-derived grade exams. As we are heading towards the end of Term 3, the school year is zooming by, so we encourage you to get involved with anything and everything you are offered to be a part of to make the most of the year.
It was so lovely to hear the chatter and laughter of the classes of 1988 and 1989, who reconnected at a year-level reunion over the weekend.
Sports office
Our Mission: To achieve excellence in sport and physical activities at all levels within a caring and rewarding atmosphere.
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