DioNews Term 4, Issue 1 2022

In this issue

Awards Edition

Our senior students are now on study leave and started their NCEA exams yesterday. At the same time, our junior students have completed their end-of-year examinations that will provide valuable practice for future NCEA externals. 

We are in the process of participating in our many traditional end-of-year celebrations that acknowledge student and staff achievements throughout the year or, in the case of our Year 13 leavers, over their entire Dio career.

A source of great pride is the 40+ tertiary scholarships awarded to our Year 13 students this year. This is a welcome affirmation that our graduates are highly sought after in the tertiary sector and that their impressive academic records, combined with extra-curricular involvement, leadership experience and commitment to service, are a winning combination.

The talent, commitment and achievement of our students in sports and the arts never cease to amaze us, and it is always a highlight to see these achievements acknowledged at the annual Sports and Arts Awards.

This issue of DioNews is dedicated to celebrating our Sports and Arts Awards, Senior Prize-Giving and tertiary scholarship recipients. It also celebrates our student leaders for 2023.

We want to congratulate our students and staff on another outstanding year and thank all our families for their ongoing support.


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