Jacqueline Smith — January 30, 2025
What is restorative practice?
Restorative practice centres positive and respectful relationships is key to a positive school environment. Restorative practice is central to Dio’s philosophy and is based on developing respectful relationships and the awareness of how our behaviour affects others.
Respectful relationships are about:
building, maintaining, enhancing and restoring relationships
exploring the harm that has been done
finding a solution/s to move forward
Good relationships are based on respect, fairness, honesty and open communication. Sometimes, however, things don’t always go as we would like, and problems occur between people. Often, these problems start as little problems; if they are not dealt with, they become bigger problems. The core of restorative practice is the coming together of all people involved in the problem
to discuss a way forward. Problems within school and between people occur at different levels of seriousness and this means that one type of restorative discussion does not fit all situations.
All boarding staff at Dio are focused and strive to practise the principles of respectful relationships. However, if a student breaches any rules or expectations set out in the Boarding Handbook pages 13 to 15, they can still expect possible consequences for their actions.
Thank you in advance as we work together as a boarding community focused on building, maintaing, enhancing and restoring relationships when or if issues occur.
Here is a short introductory video about restorative practice in Schools.