DioNews - Issue 1, Term 1 2024
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Georgina Hewitt
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Gina Fitchett
After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, the leadership team, in collaboration with staff members and the student body, have decided to transition from our current 6-day timetable to a more versatile 10-day timetable system.
Dio Communications
Underpinning all that we do at Dio is the Anglican faith. One of the ways that we support this is through our understanding and putting into action of our Dio values of Courage, Respect, Empathy, Diligence, Integrity, and Tolerance (CREDIT).
Mary Curran
I hope this message finds you well and excited for the new school year! On behalf of the entire Waikato Diocesan community, I am delighted to welcome back our returning students and warmly greet all our new staff, students and families.
Sonja Maree
With great anticipation, we welcome you and your daughters to Waikato Diocesan School for Girls for the upcoming academic year. We warmly greet returning families and those joining us for the first time.
People & Culture Office
A warm Dio welcome to the following new staff members.
Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
Director of Sports
There are times when students and parents have questions about classes and programmes. The way to approach this is to contact the following people (preferably via email in the first instance) in this order of communication:
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