Yesterday we took a small group of students up to the Dark Skies Project, Takapō for the launch of the new Matariki Karakia booklet written by Professor Rangi Mātāmua in collaboration with others and Te Arawhiti (The office for Māori and Crown Relations).
The pictures included are of our students with Prof. Rangi Mātāmua, Astronomer and New Zealander of the year 2023 and the Ūpoko o Matariki ki te Manatū Taonga (lead of Matariki celebrations). Our students also spent time with Willow-Jean Prime, Minister for Conservation, Youth and Associate Minister for Arts Culture and Heritage, Statistics and Health.
We had a great day and great weather, although cold with all the snow on the hills. Some of our students' favourite things about the trip was the manaaki (hospitality), food, merchandise and also being able to spend time with people who celebrate their own culture and being able to learn more about their own culture.
If you want to know more about the event its was filmed for News Hub and Tahu News:https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2023/05/leading-m-ori-astronomer-rangi-m-t-mua-releases-new-karakia-booklet-ahead-of-this-year-s-matariki.html
This booklet is an amazing resource to support schools and whānau with how they can celebrate Matariki. This year Matariki is 14th July. The Matariki Booklet can be found at the Matariki website: https://www.matariki.com/