Kellie Tagiaia —

This week we have had Attitude in speaking to the whole school in different sessions covering different topics. 

For Year 9-13 it was around Relationships and what do healthy relationships look like and how do we create these for ourselves. How to keep yourself safe in regard to peer pressure and saying No as well as consent. 

For Year 7/8 it was around how to engage and connect with Technology and navigating it and the online world safely. Some key message were from this session was: 

1. Be positive - Make positive decisions, ignore and block out the negative, only interact from a positive standpoint and stand up to do the right thing when you see negative.  Always choice to operate from a positive to allow positive experiences for self and others

2. Be a User - don't just consume technology, use the potential of technology to help you in a positive, extend your learning, extend your potential in the real world. Use it to get good or better at something. "Use technology, don't let technology use you"

3. Quality vs Quantity - make it less about numbers and keep it fun and connect for genuine reasons. Don't be a follower. Keep a positive digital footprint. Prioritise putting time into real life relationships and build them as positive strong experiences that build positive memories for you. 

4. Understanding What goes online stays online. Digital footprint last forever, and the importance of only accessing/posting anything that is safe and appropriate. They identified 4 questions to ask yourself before doing anything online: 

- What if a stranger saw it would they think it is ok

- What friends and family saw it would they think it is ok

- What if future employer saw it would they think it is ok

- Will it offend or hurt anybody

If the answer is No to any of them then don't do it. 

5. Bullying - being unkind online is not ok and no-one deserves it. Taking Videos/Photos without consent, and then posting, is harmful and against the Harmful Digital Communications Act which is a NZ law.