Kellie Tagiaia — May 5, 2022

Friday 13th May will be our next House Event!

Friday 13th May we will hold our school Competitive Cross Country and Whole School fun Colour Run!

The competitive course will be run during period 3 (11:20am) with students needing to get changed at interval and meet out on the big field straight away. Students will need PE gear and shoes. 

After lunch (1:10pm) the whole school will come together to take part in the fun Colour Run allowing students to clock up participation House points and have lots of fun alongside their friends and peers. This is a great time, all about being active, having fun and going through each of the obstacles and colour stations. 

ALL STUDENTS - will need to bring a change of clothes that can get wet and covered in  colour. Students should bring a change of underwear and towel for afterwards. 

Bus students will need to have cleaned off all the paint from their bodies and changed into clean clothes in order to be able to get on the bus.