Jo Hunnikin — Jul 8, 2022

Vicki Scott, our TA and uniform coordinator, leaves Waimate High School after 19 years and 3 terms.

Today we said farewell to Vicki Scott, one of our long serving teacher aides. Most of our parents will know Vicki as the lady who kitted out their students with their uniform at the start of the school year. 

Vicki joined us in 2003 from Waimate Centennial School and quickly became our uniform coordinator as well as a teacher aide. Vicki worked with our ESOL students, helping them with their English and helping them navigate their way through New Zealand schooling. She also spent time working with the Careers department in an administration role and also with students, helping them with their career pathways and finding work. 

Vicki also worked as a union rep for NZEI, advocating for both support and teaching staff whenever necessary. 

Her job list is never ending as Vicki also did uniform repairs and dressed our prefects, braiding their blazers with the appropriate coloured trim. 

We wish Vicki all the best for a very long and happy retirement. Thank you from the staff and students of Waimate High School.