Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Hunnikin

Principal's Word - Term 1 Week 4

Jo Hunnikin —

Kia ora Everyone! 

Athletics was a great way to round of the week! We had multiple records broken and a high participation rate as people rallied to gain points for their houses. It's always lovely to see parents coming in to support their children and help run the events.  We will share with you the results soon. A huge thanks to all who helped make it a special day. 

Today, our new fortnightly reports were sent out. We hope you like the new look and clearer criteria. If you didn't receive a report or have difficulty accessing the report, please get in touch and we can help. 

Yesterday we had our school photos and for the first time in 75 years (we think) we had a whole school photograph in front of the school. It took military precision to line up 300 students in height order, but our photographer 'Goffy' is a real pro! I had a sneak peek at the photo and I cant wait to share it with you once we receive the digital copies. 

As part of our ongoing policy review schedule we are opening the Term 1 policy review. This term we are reviewing our "Community Conduct Expectations" policy, "Te Tiriti o Waitangi" policy, "Board Responsibility" policy and "Reporting to Parents" policy. The review is open until the end of the term.

To find our policies:

  • Click on this link https://www.schooldocs.co.nz/ (or google "school docs").

  • Search for "Waimate High School" (or you can use this link to go straight there)

  • Log in using the following details - username "waimate-high" password "learning".

  • To see what policies are under review, click the "under review button"

  • Click on a policy and if you wish to submit feedback then click on the red "under review button". The feedback can be anonymous or you can add your name.

  • A link to the School Docs site will also be available through our school website.

Enjoy your weekend,
